!POSTPONED due to fires in LA and closure of UCLA campus!
A new installation How You Shimmer: Sound Portal for Whale Bubbles (2025) creates an immersive composition of underwater connection using sound, glass, bronze and projected moving light. Created as Resident Artist in the four year long research project Atmosphere of Sound: Sonic Art in Times of Climate Disruption at the UCLA Art|Sci Center, part of PST Art a Los Angeles wide Getty Initiative.
January 10 - February 1, 2025, UCLA Art|Sci Gallery, California Nano Systems Institute, UCLA .
Artist Talk at UCLA Art|Sci Center, as part of exhibition and research Atmosphere of Sound: Sonic Art in Times of Climate Disruption, in partnership with the 2024 Getty PST initiative.
UCLA Broad Art Center, Thursday 11 April 2024, 3-6pm and live stream
Vertigo and the Sound Portal, a new audio visual artistic research project, exhibited in Polyphonic Landscapes, with sound artists Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Yolande Harris, Teemu Lehmusruusu, Lia Mazzari.
6 October - 3 December 2023
ArtEZ Professorship Theory in the Arts in collaboration with Zone2Source (platform for art, nature, and technology in the Amstelpark, Amsterdam) are pleased to invite you to the second research seminar of Polyphonic Landscapes on Wednesday 14 June 2023, 12:00 – 17:00.
Project Immersed opening 2023 season, a digital series on music x health x technology, in discussion with KMRU, Satya Hinduja and hosted by Sarah Lamb. “Sonic Consciousness” Episode 19 watch here.
ArtEZ Professorship Theory in the Arts in collaboration with Zone2Source (platform for art, nature, and technology in the Amstelpark, Amsterdam) are pleased to invite you to the online opening seminar of Polyphonic Landscapes on Thursday 16 March 2023, 12:00 – 17:00.
Visiting lecturer in the Sound Arts Lecture Series at CRiSAP - Creative Research into Sound Art Practice, at the University of London. Watch recording here.
10 November 2022 (online live and recorded) 2:30-4:30 UK time
‘From a Whale’s Back’ in “Animal Among Animals” exhibition curated by Gabi Scardi, exploring new approaches to the otherness represented by animals and ecosystems through an antispeciesist perspective.
8 October - 27 November, 2022
‘From a Whale’s Back’ in Collections #1 by curator Elionora Savorelli, "In effect, we’ve never ceased being fish” online at Ipercubo Gallery
8 July - 15 September 2022
Video/sound installation and presentation at the Oceans as Archives symposium, University of Amsterdam.
4 - 6 July, 2022
The group exhibition WALK! at the SCHIRN provides an overview of walking as a practice in contemporary art production. Includes video installation ‘A Waterfall of Falling Sounds/ Listening to Whales at Roden Crater” and Whale Walk sound walk.
18 February - 22 May 2022
Conversation at Ipercubo Gallery Milan and Animot Journal, Sarah Ciraci and Yolande Harris with Roberta Perego.
17 February 2022, 19:00 CET / 10:00 PST
An in depth interview about the work and ideas of Yolande Harris with Roberta Perego in Animot Journal: L’Altra Philosophia Vol 11, 2021 (in Italian), “Come posso camminare/nuotare/volare lontano con te?” “How can I walk/swim/fly to the distance with you?”
Leader of San Francisco’s Ocean Hackathon challenge on Ocean Noise Pollution. The Ocean Hackathon is a “Decade activity” of the United Nations with the ambition of leveraging technology and data science to fight for our oceans.
5 - 7 November 2021
Part of the NAS Intersections salon on Art/Sci: Post Reductionist Scientists, organized by Anuradha Vikram.
21 October 9am PST
Live sound walk and listening/screening as part of ‘Atmosphere of Sound: Sonic Art in Times of Climate Disruption’, UCLA Art|Sci Center, Ars Electronica’s Los Angeles Garden.
9 September 9am-12pm PST
Premiere of new sound work ‘That Unseen Vibrance’ for tam-tam (gong), ocean waves and pedal harp, at the Listening Biennial, Berlin and worldwide.
15 July - 1 August, 2021
A new studio course exploring interconnections between music, sound and the ocean, including scientific research on underwater sound.
26 July - 27 August, 2021
Under the Hood is a video series presented by the UCLA ArtSci Center that pops open the “hood” to reveal the mechanics and mechanisms of ArtSci projects. Shilpa Rao interviewed sound artist Yolande Harris as our Artist-in-Residence ‘Atmosphere of Sound: Sonic Art in Times of Climate Disruption’.
Guest critic at La Salle School of Architecture in Barcelona, ETSALS, assessing international students in their Walking Montjuic final projects.
12 January 2021
Video premiered at the [Alien] Star Dust 24 hour winter solstice event, streamed live from the Integratron Joshua Tree CA.
7.30pm PST, 21 December 2020
A new series of prints represented by Ipercubo Gallery, Italy, based on the video/sound installation From a Whale’s Back.
Visiting Artist at the Center for Integrated Media Speaker Series, California Institute of the Arts.
!6 November 2020
Atmospheric Sound Artist in Residence for the Vibrations Matter research project on sound, environment and healing, hosted by Victoria Vesna, at the Art|Sci Center, Design Media Arts, UCLA.
November and December 2020
Public lecture (online) as part of the international LASER series. WATCH HERE. Artist Yolande Harris and ocean scientist Ari Friedlaender explore the worlds of whales in the deep ocean, questioning how we can learn about this inaccessible environment guided by the animals in it.
13 October 2020, 5:30-6:30pm PST
This invited essay, ‘Sound is Round: A Waterfall of Falling Sounds that I Catch Dreaming’, in the new Resonance Journal (UC Press) , discusses listening to whales at Roden Crater.
A panel discussion on ‘From a Whale’s Back’ with Ari Friedlaender and other artists and scientists as part of the exhibition Noise Aquarium by Victoria Vesna at the Centre for Contemporary Art Laznia, Poland. Watch live and archived
2 October, 2020, 9 am PDT 6pm CET
From a Whale’s Back and Melt Me Into The Ocean are two of the projects that will be discussed in conversation with Victoria Vesna and Claudia Jacques, as featured artist in the Los Angeles node of Ars Electonica Festival 2020, Telluric Gardens.
11 September 2020, 2-3pm - Watch: Live stream
Interview and screening of From a Whale’s Back in the online event Loud Spring: Polarized in collaboration with La Cite Fertile, Paris
4th - 5th July 2020